Articles on: Using Claras for File Note AI

Refine and Regenerate Client Emails

This article explains how to refine the client summary email after your file note has been updated or changed. Regenerating ensures client emails accurately reflect the latest information.


Update the file note: Edit the file note directly in Claras, then click 'Save'.
Open the regenerator: Click into the Email tab then click the 'Regenerate' button.

Regenerate the email

Specify the changes: Tell Claras about any changes you need. Click the placeholder shortcuts to speed up the feedback process and ensure clarity.

Email regenerator

Regenerate and review: Claras will redact any PII (sensitive client information) during the regeneration process. Once you've reviewed and edited the draft, you can finalise it by removing the redactions and adding any necessary closing information.
Save the email: Your client email is now ready to copy and use in Outlook or your email app.

Redact and review client email

Updated on: 12/08/2024

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