Articles on: Recording and Transcribing File Note Meetings

Best Practices for Recording Client Meetings for Claras

In the fast-paced world of financial advice, delivering exceptional client experiences is crucial. By recording your meetings, you can focus on active listening and meaningful engagement rather than frantically taking notes. This approach, combined with AI-powered tools like Claras, can transform your advice practice.

Why Quality Recordings Matter

Claras relies on high-quality meeting transcriptions to generate clear, accurate file notes automatically. This allows you to fully engage with your clients and provide the best possible service, while Claras handles the documentation. To find out how to enable transcripts in popular communication and recording platforms, visit our help article.

To ensure Claras has the raw transcript it needs to create comprehensive file notes, follow these best practices:

Invest in Quality Recording Equipment
Use external USB microphones for superior audio quality (
Consider bluetooth microphones for portability, particularly ones you can clip to your lapel
Explore dedicated recorders for larger meetings or noisy environments

Plan and Prepare
Create a clear agenda
Gather necessary client information beforehand
This keeps the meeting focused and organised, allowing AI to better understand the context.

Obtain Client Consent for Recording
Request permission from all participants
Explain how the recording will be used
Assure clients of data privacy measures
Important: Enable transcripts in your platform of choice (to find out how, visit this page)

Structure Your Discussions
Follow a pre-defined meeting template or format
Cover key points systematically

Explain Whiteboard Notes
Use verbal cues to emphasise important information
Describe whiteboard content as you draw, so it's included in the transcript

Encourage Clarity
Speak clearly and at a moderate pace
Avoid technical jargon when possible

Supplement with Real-Time Notes
Take brief notes on key points or specific terminology

By implementing these practices, you'll ensure that your meeting recordings are clear and comprehensive. This allows Claras to efficiently streamline your file note process, enhancing your workflow and saving valuable time.

Remember, the quality of your recordings directly impacts the effectiveness of Claras in generating accurate file notes. By focusing on creating high-quality recordings, you're setting the foundation for a more efficient and client-focused advice practice.

Updated on: 12/08/2024

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